Zoe's Birth - 2020
We are delighted to share our happy news that on Monday morning, our baby girl Zoe Ella entered this world with a splash.
Introducing little Miss Zoé Ella van Son. Born 30.11.20 at 03.08am weighing: 3465g. Worth the long wait. We kinda like her, a lot.
For a quick debrief;
Water broke at 13.30 at home, went to hospital 2Hrs later. They ran some tests as they didn’t think my waters had actually broken! Indeed it had, I was taken to my room where surges started around 18h. Breathing through them at first was tricky, but together we went through the motion, dimmed lights and played cards :)
22.30 i was 2cm, surges every 2-3mins and I was taken to delivery room to get in the birthing pool.
01.30 I was at 3cm, Bas was super supportive with guiding me through the breathing. Midwife advised it would still take 6hours ish... by 02.30 the surges were quick and hard and intense. We asked for epidural as it hurting and energy low, but as Dr was taking my blood test, I felt our girl coming! I had gone from 3cm to 10cm in 1h20mins and our little angel was about to make her arrival to both ours and midwifes surprise! No time for epidural, just breathe and push..! Active labour was indeed very quick and Little Zoé was born shortly after in the water and placed on my chest within seconds.
An incredible experience and honestly could not have done it without calm support from Bas and amazing team. Thank you sooo much for guiding us through this journey, we took and learnt so much that we were able to use to get our baby go safely into this world.
Recovery is going really well, and we are safe home beginning our next chapter together as a family :)
Thank you again Romany for all your support.
Much love,
Sophie, Bas and Zoé